Hair Play Day : Creating Hair sheets

Recently, I hosted a couple of mentees in my workshop for a fun-filled hair play day, where we worked on creating hair sheets. Hair sheets are one of my favorite tools for up-leveling any creative style.


BTW, I can teach YOU how to create hair sheets too! Master this foundational...

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Hairstylist Edition : Building a Brand That's Uniquely You

What is your brand? This is definitely something you need to know. In my March workshop, I taught the importance of standing out from the crowd with your branding. And let me tell you, it's not as difficult as you think! Plus, I share my own story of how I became "The Hollywood Hair Guy."


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Hair Assistant Fail : The Do's & Don'ts of being a great hair assistant

When I talk hair assistant do's and don'ts, this story can't help but pop up. Hear how one of my favorite hair assistants learned from a big mistake she made on a job (and a mistake she's never made again).

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I made these mistakes so you don't have to

Next week will be my 23rd anniversary working in Hollywood. From the moment I arrived from Iowa, I've been growing as a stylist (and human), most often cutting, coloring and styling celebrity hair. But oh man, did I make some mistakes.

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Special Gift for Hairstylists: Understanding My Creative Process


One of the most common questions I get is "How do you come up with all of these creative looks?" Well I'm about to walk you through the creative process I use on competition reality shows like American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Legendary, Dancing with the Stars and More.


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3 Reasons I Use THIS Secret Weapon on Set

I am in love with hair sheets. They are versatile, cost-effective and help me up my game on shows like American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance and Legendary. Check it out!

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4 Things I Wish I Knew (Before Becoming a Celebrity Stylist)

Hey! Dean here. You know my passion is to share my own personal experience to help fast-track your career in hair styling. Here are four things I wish I had known before getting started!

I'd love to hear what resonates with you!


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Three Last Minute Halloween Hair Styles (No Costume Needed)

Nobody wants to walk into that Halloween party without a costume. No problem! These quick Halloween hair tips will help you get into the spirit in just a few minutes.


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3 Ways to Feel Happier and More Confident RIGHT NOW

October's theme is all about confidence! In this video, we're talking external confidence. This is definitely something I'm passionate about and can help you with!

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How to feel more confident as a haristylist

When comes to confidence, it's a challenge for all of us from time to time. But creating internal confidence is an inside job, and I'm here to help!

FREE Community Mentorship Call - Fall into Confidence:

If you're ready to build confidence in any area of your work and life, join me for this...

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Hair Hacks: Foils and End Wraps

You know when you're working a color and it takes forever to get a hold of the foils? I've got you. Here's a little hack I use to make the process easier and faster. Plus, an end paper hair hack that might surprise you. Let me know what you think!








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How to Stand Out as Stylist on Instagram

Instagram is a great way to showcase your work and get noticed. But many stylists are making some small but costly mistakes when it comes to the 'gram. Check out my 5 Tips for Making Your Instagram Shine.



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