Hair Sheets - The Hair Technique to Help Any Stylist Stand Out


I talk a lot about how to stand out as a celeb stylist using your work ethic and attitude. But there are also techniques that can get you noticed and help you become wildly in demand -- like learning to do hair sheets. I created a course back in 2021 that shows students step-by-step how...

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How to Find Local Editorial Work as a Hairstylist

Even though I teach my students how to break into a Hollywood hair career, not everyone wants to pack up and move to Los Angeles. In this video from one of my live Q&A sessions with hairstylists around the country, I help you find editorial hairstyling work, right in your own backyard.

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3 Ways to Stand Out In the Hair Industry


Hey it's Dean Banowetz, AKA Hollywood Hair Guy. I'm ready to share my tips and tools to help hairstylists and others in the beauty industry stand out above the rest.

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